
We’ve started work on a publishing tool that would replace tools like Buffer.

This has technically been requested in several wishlist items, although they all requested we integrate with existing solutions. However, they don’t let anyone connect via API, so we can’t do so. Either way, a built-in solution will be a lot more powerful, especially when we build a one-click resize solution where you can edit one design and have a post ready for multiple social media platforms. So, going from nothing to a design published in various places would be just a couple of clicks.

We’ll need some help testing it since I suspect there will be a lot of gotchas integrating with several other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others. I’m tagging a few users who requested the other solutions, so hopefully, they will be open to helping us test this.

@Stefanpe, @davapp, @DiVaNLmarketing, @j0e, @creablu, @Nico, @wave, @yuvraj, @daniavorszky, @Sandra, @spaceworker, @namitoberoy, @erginfurkanerkan, @Promod, @NeelRaman

If there are any particular features you would love to see in this, let me know.

Related wishlist items:

Hi Gilli,
I’d be happy to help with testing.

In terms of feature request, I’d love to see an approval workflow for clients in this publishing tool.


Would that approval be targeted at the designs or the posts that will be published? Or maybe both?

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The posts to be published would be the most felpful :slight_smile:


Thanks for the suggestion. It definitely sounds like a very useful feature to collaborate with clients, so I’ll add it to the todo list.

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Hi @gilli, I’m willing to help, but would like to know what help you’d like.

The two social media tools I use are ContentStudio and SocialBee.


Of course, I will help Gilli :blush:


@NeelRaman, Mainly I will need beta testers when it’s ready for that. Which should hopefully be in the coming weeks. I’ll add everyone who responds here to a mailing list for beta testers and reach out to you that way when it has been added to your Baseline account.

@DiVaNLmarketing, thank you!


@gilli Okay, thank you. Looking forward to it.


This is a great idea @gilli .
I will be happy to test it out.
Put me on the list too. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sounds great and would be happy to test. Currently I have accounts with many social media posting platforms.

But the two I use the most are Predis and Sociamonials.

Given how much work they’ve done to tie-in to the agency building community would say Sociamonials is nearly indispensable.

That said one of the shortcomings is the inability to design creative.

If you could incorporate “first comment” that would be great.

Likewise, some sort of Chat GPT functionality (even if it’s just prompt generation - similar to how Sociamonials doesn’t directly integrate with it but offers prompts and copy/paste to OpenAi and several other AI chat tools), would be super helpful!


@Ben, can you tell me more about what they have done to tie-in to the agency building community? I’d love to learn more about that.

Regarding first comment, would that be coming from a different, perhaps personal account, or just the same account?


Sure thing. So, they offer extensive social media agency startup training via their YouTube channel but they also have built quite a bit of agency functionality into the platform.

From client subscription payments/client management to onboarding - it can be done within their platform.

Regarding first comments, yes that’s right - it would be coming from the same account.


With @Ben Sociamonials would be great , I have the agency as well and they are constantly developing this. Great tool and listen to their clients feedback to develop the tool. I also have VistaSocial but not really got into that one yet.


As a Sidenote @gilli their agency program is an add on service at a discounted rate for Ltd buyers. But with everything they include far as the payment processing, onboarding, etc it has made sense.


Hi Gilli, I would be happy to be a tester, especially for agency use, I have several businesses and clients. Also, would love for Baseline to copy “RelayThat”,which it sounds like it will be similar. I sent you an email about it. Feel free to reach out to me.

Looking forward to your great success.



Im willing to help too! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks everyone, I’ll add all of you to the beta list.

@Ben, I can confirm that first comment will be supported :wink:


Wow, looks amazing! Can’t wait to see in action!!!


I also a ContentStudio user. Happy to be a beta tester.