Export "brand guide" to an editable format

Export “brand guide” to an editable format …
eg .DOCX

This is exactly what I thought I would be able to do with this and why I purchased it. I see that you have some elements in place and could easily be headed in that direction but its not quite there yet (from what I can tell so far). Please add the ability to export a brand guide.

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Ability to export to editable docx ….
or maybe to another editable format (Power Point❓)

You can edit the PDF that is exported. In the beginning it was not possible since everything in the PDF was an image, but now you can edit the text and elements in a PDF editor.


I would prefer for non-technical customers who do not know how to edit PDF to make it some editable format, e.g. docx etc.

Yeah that does sound like a nice option to have as well. I’ll note it down and see if it’s something we can add.

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